
Highlights of Term 1 P6 (Rm 19 and 20)

Hi! We are the P6 blog team our names are Rhys, Mimi and Sophie.S. The term has been jam packed with fun, visitors and most importantly learning! In room 20 it was a new beginning with Mrs Anderson and Mrs Dillaway. In room 19 it was straight into the routines of P6 and a brand new environment to work in.

A particular highlight of term one was the hydrogen challenge. We learnt how hydrogen can be used for cars and busses. Rhys, Michaell and Peter (R 19) and  Ruby, Anton and Ender (R 20) made it to the finals. Unfortunataly none of them won but we are proud of the P7 who actually won!!!

For Maths week Scotland, we had various different visitors to tell us how Maths supports their job (in a positive way)! The most well known visitor was Sandy’s Mum. Her job is a Physiotherapist. She showed us how she uses angles on a regular basis’ to check patients well being.

Both classes had a turn at being in the planetarium .It showed us how  incredible our solar system is. Then we had a lesson on our solar system and our night sky.

A few other things we did this term was R19’s Learning Journey’s, which are recounts of their week. In R20 our achievements wall which is a wall full of achievements we have done out of school.

So far Primary 6 has been a been a blast! We are looking forward to creating more memories, more fantastic work and making Broomhill even more brilliant! 

Make sure to check each Friday for a new blog! Or check Twitter there might be some extra pictures from the week!

Blog by Mimi, Sophie.S and Rhys!

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