
Term 2 in P7 Room 21

Term 2 has been another busy term, beginning with Bikeability Training where we learned to ride our bikes safely on the roads.

Our IDL focus this term has been “You Are What You Eat” which was a health based investigation into the nutritional benefits of various foods, how to create a healthy, balanced diet and how food plays a part in people’s lives culturally and as part of celebrations.

We visited the Music Hall to hear a series of lectures entitled “Oceans of Opportunity” which were focused on jobs relating to the oceans and underwater, for example marine biologist, ROV operations and diving. It was very interesting and perhaps sparked some ideas for future careers.

We also had a visit from Dr Jacqui Hutchison from Aberdeen University who led a workshop about stereotyping. This has provoked a lot of discussion in the class and some creative work centred around this topic.

P7 have had a variety of opportunities this term to undertake roles of responsibility around the school helping and working co-operatively with younger pupils, assisting with the organisation and presentation of the infant Classes’ Nativity productions, helping at the Christmas Fair and participation in the Torchlight Service. Well done to everyone involved!

Preparations for Christmas are underway with various craft activities ongoing and Christmas songs being practised for a visit to Riverside Care home to entertain the residents.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄

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