Bug hotel
We have had an exciting week enjoying this lovely weather! The children have been working on creating a bug hotel in the garden. The structure was built using bricks and wood. We are now in the process of filling the gaps with different materials such as moss, hay, grass and compost. They helped to put a slate roof on top to keep the water from coming in. The children have discussed which creatures they think might choose to come and live in the bug hotel. This is a work in progress and we plan to add more materials to it over the coming weeks.
The children have been keen to look after the vegetables they have planted. They have been watering them and we have noticed some new beetroot shoots coming up. They are excited to taste them all when they grow.
What great fun they all had out on the wheeled toys yesterday. Next week we will be joining the primary one classes for a trip to the woodies. This will give the children a chance to meet some of their new class before they go into primary one.
Pizza making for snack was great fun this week. The children were very proud of themselves for making such tasty pizzas.
Have a great weekend everyone.