
Bug hotel

 We have had an exciting week! The children have been working on creating a bug hotel in the garden. They helped build the structure using bricks and wood. We are now in the process of filling the gaps with different materials such as moss, hay, grass and compost. The children have also came up with ideas of what items they would like to add for the bugs to crawl into. The children have discussed which creatures they think might choose to come and live in the bug hotel. This is a work in progress and we plan to add more to it over the coming weeks..


Pizza making!

Make your own pizza was a great success. The children chose what toppings they would like to put on top and helped each other to create each layer. They were impressed at how great it tasted and asked if they could do this for snack again soon. 


We have been planting more seeds in nursery too. The children have been enjoying the process of looking after the seeds and watering them each day. This week they planted some broad beans.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. 



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