
Mark making

The children have been having a great time playing with our new ‘me blocks’ in the small world area. This is where they can play with pictures of themselves, friends and teachers. We plan to include family members and pets too. If you have any photos at home you don’t mind us copying we would love to add them to our collection.

We had a visit from child smile this week. The children talked about brushing their teeth and how important this is. They were shown pictures and got the chance to use soft toys to practice brushing on. There was also a demonstration using a large set of teeth and a toothbrush. We also talked about how many spoonful’s of sugar were in some fizzy drinks and sweet foods. The demonstration went well and we had lots of good questions from the children.


We have introduced a new mark making activity this week for the children to explore. They have been using pens attached to toy cars to make marks on the paper. This helps to strengthen muscles in their fingers and wrists to help with pencil control as they begin to write. We plan to follow a different mark making activity each week. Have a lovely weekend!

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