P3 Room 11 Highlights
Can’t quite believe it’s the end of term 2 already!
We started our year by creating our class charter and discussed the UNCRC Rights of the child.
In numeracy we continue to develop different strategies to work out increasingly difficult addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. We have also explored wider maths topics such as shape, time, measure and data handling.
During Maths week Scotland we enjoyed a visit from Jamie who showed us the importance of maths in employment. In hairdressing maths skills are used when making appointments, estimating length to cut, using angles, measuring colour solution, calculating prices and profits amongst other things.
In literacy we have been using a Big Writing approach. This emphasises the importance of talk and oral rehearsal before writing. This also helps us share our ideas and learn from each other. We have been developing our basic skills in spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting. We improve our writing by exploring VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation). We have also been self and peer assessing our work and setting our own targets.
In ICT we have been learning about basic coding concepts such as algorithms, loops, events and debugging. We have also been learning how to search the internet for information and created our own Google slides presentations. We enjoyed creating Adobe Spark videos giving information about Road Safety and Bonfire Night Safety.
In other news, we have been developing our skills in gymnastics during P.E. sessions. This year we have enjoyed two M & M productions – The Jungle Book and Pinocchio.
To get into the Christmas spirit we thoroughly enjoyed our Sparkle and Shine day creating Christmas crafts with our family. See our other blog post for highlights from our fantastic performance of ‘A Little Fir Tree. https://broomhill.aberdeen.sch.uk/2019/12/11/p3-nativity-highlights/ On Monday we visited Broomhill Park Care home to sing to the residents.
Remember to catch up with P3 on Twitter @claireL_aitken and @Miss_Shand
We hope you all have a fantastic holiday!