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P7 Rm 22 Term 1 Highlights

This term our topic was ‘Me and My World.’ We have been learning all about the environment and what we can do to reduce our carbon footprints. A particular highlight was taking part in the ‘Hydrogen Challenge’ where we had to build an aerodynamic hyrdrogen powered car and make it go as far as possible. The winners then took part in the finals at The Treetops.

We we have been reading the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ and learning all about life in World War 2. We wrote about how it would feel to be evacuated.

We really enjoyed M&M Productions’ performance of The Jungle Book and P7 got the opportunity to take part in a workshop with the actors.

Well done to everyone who gave a house captain talk to the whole school! W3 we’re proud of you all. Congratulations to those who were successful!

Room 22 took part in Bikeability training where we learnt how to ride a bike safely on the roads.

During maths week, we had visits from a structural engineer and a physiotherapist, both of whom use maths every day in their jobs. We measured the degrees of flex ion in our joints which fit in perfectly with our maths topic on angles! 

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