

We had a great time at our Halloween party last week. Everyone made a great effort with their costumes. We carved pumpkins, played party games, danced and had party food for snack.    

We are continuing to work on fine motor skills and over the last couple of weeks we have had a range of activities available to encourage the children to develop these skills. We have explored sand writing, play dough modelling, scissor control and mark making in flour.


What fun we all had den building at the woodies yesterday. The children helped to problem solve their ideas to put their dens up. They worked in teams and used string to tie up sheets and tarpaulin to the trees. They had great fun hiding inside them afterwards!



We are helping to raise money for children in need next week. The children can come to nursery wearing something spotty or in their pyjamas. If you would like to donate we will have a collection jar on the day. There will also be a Pudsey merchandise sale on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week where children can purchase small items such as key rings and bracelets. If you would like to buy something we will take the children along to visit the shop.

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