
Exploring senses


We have been exploring our senses this week. The children made slime which was great for their sense of touch. The children talked about it’s texture and got very messy in the process.


We looked at our sense of smell and recorded our findings in the floor book. They tried rose water, curry powder, vinegar, patchouli, dewberry and mouthwash. We had some great comments and they seemed to enjoy the experience. We plan to go to the wildlife garden to smell the herbs in the herb garden next.



We used our sense of hearing to tap out rhythms using the tap sticks. The children had to listen to the teacher then copy the sound. They also had a go at tapping out their names. Well done everyone it has been a busy week.   We had fun on the gym trail practicing our gross motor skills. The children balanced along the beams, ropes and stepping stones. It was great too see them working hard to do the course themselves.

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