
Outdoor learning

We have been outside making the most of this beautiful weather. The children have been working on their gross motor skills climbing on the logs and tyres. We have been discussing what we could plant in the garden and have spoke about planting some vegetables and flowers. They have been keen to watch our Rhubarb grow and are excited to try it when it is ready to eat.


We are continuing to look at science and have been trying out various experiments. So far we have explored volcano eruptions using vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring. This was very exciting watching the Volcano erupt.

We also experimented with food colouring, oil and water then added milk to watch the colours merge into a rainbow. They have been learning about how to research on the PC to find out useful information. So far we have looked at experiments using household items and discussed what they think might happen before carrying them out. We will look at this in more depth next week.

As of next Wednesday we will be going to the woodies and the Tuesday after will be wheeled toys. We will alternate this every week and the days we do this may change each week but we will keep you updated on the noticeboard in the nursery. Please remember to bring appropriate clothing and wellies for woodies days and helmets for wheeled toys. We often need parent helpers to go to the woodies so if you are available please write your name on the space provided on the noticeboard in nursery. Thank you, Have a lovely weekend everyone, hope this nice weather is here to stay.

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