Arts across learning festival
We had a lovely visit from Tracy and Lindsey from the arts across learning festival this week. The children were involved in a workshop where the they created their own storybooks using everyday materials. This was a lovely way to share ideas and come together with our friends from nursery 2. They also had the chance to create stick people from lolly pop sticks and pipe cleaners. Thanks to the parents who helped us to make our wonderful stories. It was great to be able to take part in the activities the learning festival were offering. We hope to do this again sometime.
Some of the stick people the children made. We had fairies, monsters and wizards.
This story was written for one of the mums! We also had stories from Frozen to one all about the weather.
We think we may have some budding authors in the making. Well done everyone.
Hope you all have a great weekend and this lovely weather is here to stay.