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Parental Feedback Online Survey

Thank you very much for your response to the recent questionnaire sent to you through Google. We had a fantastic response and the results are below;

We have recently introduced a new spelling programme in school. Pupils are assessed at the start of the year and this identifies common words which they need to learn. Your child will have had these as homework to learn over 2 weeks. They move up the levels as they learn the words. Do you feel the homework is supporting your child to progress?

  • 83.3% said Yes
  • 16.7% said No

How often do you read with your child?

  • 75.5% said more than 3 times a week
  • 13.7% said twice a week
  • 10.8% said once a week

Please tick which areas of the curriculum you would like to find out more about at a curriculum evening.

  • Reflective Reading – 55
  • Phonics and Spelling – 51
  • Writing – 73
  • Maths – 71
  • Health and Wellbeing -38
  • Science – 44
  • Languages- 43
  • IDL- 24

This will help us to shape our curriculum evening and ensure that we are providing you with the information you would like to receive.

Below is a sample of some of the comments given:

“Feedback received at the parents evening was very informative”

“Parents evening was much better this year, much better system and more personal, privacy better”

“The recent curriculum evening for P1 was very helpful”

“Thanks for the ongoing positive engagement with parents”

“Good to be back in classrooms and getting the opportunity to look at jotters. Staff well informed on my child’s need and excellent support in place, very pleased”

As this was an anonymous survey we would like to respond to some questions asked through the comments to support you in your understanding of the curriculum.

Spelling homework grids seem to be the same in different year groups.

The activities may be the same for the pupils across the school. They are engaging and fun ways to learn spelling words. The challenge comes from the words that are given as these will be given at different levels appropriate to your child’s level.

How are reading groups constructed?

At the start of the year, all pupils were assessed to identify the appropriate reading level for your child to start on. This will be continually assessed throughout the year. The assessment identifies decoding of words and understanding of the text. A child may be able to read some complex texts but it is important that they have an understanding of what they have read. The reflective reading approach has begun in all classes and this ensures appropriate challenge for all pupils. This will be shared at the curriculum evening.

Parents should receive the spelling test scores and Big Maths scores home each week.

This will be discussed with staff to ensure consistency across the school.

Homework – too much/too little

As a staff we will discuss this further. Homework can be in a variety of forms. It is important that children have time to process their learning and also have the opportunity to play. Research shows that learning through play is invaluable.

Miss McCartney – Deputy Head Teacher

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