ImportantLatest newsP1-P3P4-P7

Lost Property – Update 02.02.18

We have had a number of issues over the past couple of weeks around lost property, particularly coats/jackets.  Children are reminded constantly to wear their jackets outside, particularly as the colder days are now with us. Inevitably, the jackets often come off in the playground and can be misplaced/muddled. Can I please ask that you ensure the following:

  1. That your child’s jacket and all clothing items used in school are clearly named
  2. That you return to school anything that doesn’t belong to your child, if it comes home accidentally

Some pupils are currently missing jackets that cannot be traced within the school building and may have come home with other pupils by accident.

Currently missing 02.02.18

  • Red Trespass jacket (P1) child’s name written on inside
  • Grey fluffy hooded ski jacket (P3) child’s name written on inside

We have over 400 pupils in school and do our best to ensure that your child’s property is looked after but we need your help too.

Thank you for your help with this.

Mrs Reid – Head Teacher

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