Room 16 (P5) Curricular Newsletter
Welcome back to P5. I hope you have all had a great break. I am looking forward to learning about natural disasters and extreme weather this term with all of you. Our class text will be Pax. We will also be learning how to write newspaper articles in writing, as well as exploring different types of poetry. In P5 we will also extend our learning about the global goals.
Guided reading books have now been issued out to everyone. The children have been grouped following a recent reading assessment. The children each have a reading record and I am encouraging them to take responsibility for this and their guided reading book. Our reading sessions will be on a Monday and Thursday.
Homework should continue to be handed in on a Friday (unless this has been rearranged with myself).
P.E is now on a Tuesday with the P.E teacher. I will take a second session on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a full kit on these days. We also have singing this term too.
The library is soon to be opened and we will finally have an opportunity to use this wonder facility. Our library sessions will start soon and will be once a week.
Useful Topic Links
Here are some useful links from the Met Office: