
Welcome to Room 20 P6

Welcome to P6, room 20, with Mrs Shaw. There is another P6 in room 21 and their teacher is Miss Macrae. For the next few weeks we have chosen to learn all about Iceland and compare it with Scotland.

This week, we have done some art about ourselves to get to know one another and played team building games. We have also been very busy doing three assessments: spelling, maths and phonics so Mrs Shaw can help us to get better at the things we need to.

Our class novel this term is Wonder written by R.J. Palacio. We are enjoying the book so far: it is about a boy called August who has a different face to everyone else.

Image result for wonder

Homework has not started yet, but when it does, it’ll go out on a Monday and be due in on a Friday. We have a counter system in our class to record when we’ve handed in our homework.

We are so looking forward to what’s next this year!

Blog by Cameron and Finlay

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