School meals
For current nursery, primary and secondary school lunch menus click here.
School meals are provided for all pupils who request them. Lunch tickets should be purchased on a Monday morning from 8.30 am – 9.00 am at the Gray Street entrance, just outside the gym. They are sold in books of ten. Individual tickets may be purchased each day at lunch-time after all the children with tickets have been accommodated.
School meals are not prepared on the premises – we have servery facilities only. Menus are sent home with the children. Numbers are supplied to the kitchens on a daily basis and a choice of meals is delivered to the school daily. We have a large number of children staying for school meals and choice may be limited towards the end of each sitting.
Facilities are provided in the dining area for those who bring packed lunches. The dining area is supervised by the pupil support assistants.
Pupils in P1-P5 are entitled to free school meals. Application forms and information about free school meals for P6-P7 pupils may be obtained from the school office. In general, children whose parents are receiving Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance are eligible for free school meals on production of appropriate documentation.
Children who stay at school for lunch are not allowed to leave the school grounds. In the event of a medical appointment parents should contact the school and arrange to collect the child at a given time from the school office.