Pupil Support
In keeping with the Additional Support for Learning Act help and support are provided for children who may be having issues with learning, behaviour or physical difficulties.
The school has an Additional Support for Learning resource. The Support for Learning teacher is allocated to classes/individual pupils within the school for short periods of time to support their learning. This support may take the form of assessment or small group tutoring to address revision or extension work or to improve confidence/ understanding in an area of the curriculum.
Additional Support for Learning teachers are trained to help schools meet the children’s needs. It is a very limited provision and to ensure maximum benefits to our pupils we allocate it flexibly, reviewing priorities regularly.
Over the course of a school year a large number of our children will benefit from this resource. The Additional Support for Learning teacher works closely with the child’s class teacher to help the child/children achieve identified targets.
When a child is allocated support time – individually or as a member of a group – a note may be sent home to keep parents informed and enable them to work in partnership with the school to help the child make the most of this additional provision.
Educational Psychologist
In common with all Aberdeen City schools, Broomhill has a visiting Educational Psychologist who can be called upon to provide more specialised help with educational and behavioural problems. The Educational Psychologist works with the teacher, the pupil and the parents.
Speech Therapy
Help and support are available for children who are having difficulty acquiring clear speech. Early detection of these problems is important and they can often be resolved quickly. Children can be refered to the speech therapists by parents or school. Appointments are made outwith school hours at local Health Centres and parents are encouraged to keep all appointments made.
Equal Opportunities
In common with all Aberdeen City schools it is the policy at Broomhill to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different cultures, creeds and ethnic backgrounds.
Aberdeen City Multi-cultural and Anti Racist Guidelines state, “Multi-cultural and anti-racist education must be seen as an integral part of the learning process for all”.
English as an Additional Language
Provision is made for children for whom English is an additional language and the school, when necessary, calls upon the help of the E.A.L. Unit serving the City.
Playground Supervision
Pupil Support Assistants supervise the playground during interval and lunch break and deal with minor injuries such as cuts and bruises. The Pupil Support Assistants are an adult “point of contact” for the children should they need help during these periods.
Primary 7 children help to look after the younger children (P1 – P3) during playtimes, a task they enjoy and undertake responsibly.
In wet weather children who stay for lunch are allowed to be in school in their classrooms to read or play quietly. All pupils are encouraged to bring a quiet table activity eg. colouring book and pens or card game for indoor breaks. The Pupil Support Assistants visit the classrooms in a supervisory capacity. Children who go home for lunch should not return early to school in wet weather.