The technologies framework has been organized to offer opportunities for personalization and choice using diverse contexts for learning.
The technologies framework has six organizers, namely:
- technological developments in society
- ICT to enhance learning
- Business
- Computing science
- Food and textiles
- Craft, design, engineering and graphics.
Learning in the technologies enables children and young people to be informed, skilled, thoughtful, adaptable and enterprising citizens, and to:
- Develop understanding of the role and impact of technologies in changing and influencing societies
- Contribute to building a better world by taking responsible ethical actions to improve their lives, the lives of others and the environment
- Gain the skills and confidence to embrace and use technologies now and in the future, at home, at work and in the wider community
- Become informed consumers and producers who have an appreciation of the merits and impacts of products and services
- Be caopable of making reasoned choices relating to the environment, to sustainable development and to ethical, economic and cultural issues
- Broaden their understanding of the role that Information and Communication Technology has in Scotland and in the global community
- Broaden their understanding of the applications and concepts behind rechnological thinking, including the nature of engineering and the links between the technologies and the sciences
- Experience work-related learning, establish firm foundations for lifelong learning and, for some, for s[pecialised study and a diverse range of careers.