Assessment is for Learning
We regard ourselves as an AifL School.
“Assessment is for Learning provides a coherent framework for assessment, in which evidence of learning can be gathered and interpreted to best meet the needs of learners, their parents and teachers, as well as school managers and others with responsibility for ensuring that education in Scotland is as good as it can be” (Learning and Teaching Scotland).
We use assessment to:
- support classroom learning and teaching
- promote autonomy in learning
- make sound judgements about learning and school effectiveness
We are responsive to research which shows how learners learn best by:
- sharing learning intentions and success criteria with childen to ensure they understand clearly what they are trying to learn and what is expected of them
- giving feedback about the quality of their work and what they can do to make it better
- giving advice about how childen can go about making improvements
- involving children in deciding what needs to be done next, and who can give them help if they need it.
Children are involved in self and peer assessment to support them in developing the attributes and the skills they need to become resilient, self-motivated learners.
Assessment ensures standards are understood and shared by teachers, the learners themselves, their parents and other adults who are either directly engaged in or supporting the learning process.
Parents are given a formal written report once a year and verbal reports during interviews with the class teachers on Parents’ Nights.
Promoted Staff and the Additional Support for Learning teachers are available for consultation about any child giving cause for concern.
Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to speak to the class teacher or the Head Teacher should they have any cause for concern.
Should a teacher establish that a child is having problems the parent may be invited into school to discuss the matter.
After appropriate consultation the services of the School Educational Psychologist or other agency may be engaged by the Head Teacher.