Positive Behaviour Management in School
At Broomhill School we aim high for all of our pupils and strive to help them reach their full potential within the domains of academic and personal development. To help achieve this, it is a key aim of Broomhill School to create a learning environment where pupils feel secure, valued and motivated to learn.
The behaviour policy aims to ensure:
- Behavioural expectations are clearly outlined to pupils and positive social skills are specifically taught
- Proactive strategies are in place to help prevent inappropriate behaviour from occurring
- A focus on positive reinforcement and rewards for good behaviour and celebration of pupil achievement
- Fair, constructive and consistent consequences are provided in response to inappropriate behaviours
- Close communication occurs between school and home so that parents and carers are aware of pupil behaviour (both positive and negative)
Behaviour in School – Praise and Encouragement
At Broomhill we take a positive approach to promoting acceptable behaviour, recognising and rewarding such through certificates, special mentions in assemblies, displays on the pupil achievers board, features in school newsletters and the rewarding of school house points.
Who is responsible?
Acceptable behaviour and discipline is a joint responsibility between school and home where pupils, parents and staff share a commitment to work together to achieve our school aims.
Whole-class Reward Systems
As a school, whole-class rewards are in place to positively reinforce good behaviours linked to learning and social development. Each class system varies slightly to accommodate the age and profile of the children, ensuring a high frequency of positive feedback for appropriate behaviours.
The Golden Ticket System
Pupils may earn Golden Tickets for positive behaviour displayed out with the classroom, including the playground, corridor and dinner hall. On the ticket, positive feedback is provided, detailing the behaviour demonstrated which earned the ticket. The Golden Ticket earns a point which is delivered by their teacher, when they return to class. Golden Tickets are then placed in a ballot box which is drawn at weekly assemblies. Winners receive an additional reward (e.g. reward room time/”tea party”).
House Points are available from teachers for displaying behavioural expectations and/or rights respecting behaviour (particularly linked to the “right of the week” as highlighted during weekly assemblies). The Senior Management Team may also award a Golden House Point (worth 5 House Points), when they observe good examples of behaviour, or when a class teacher refers a pupil to management following good behaviour.
Acceptable Behaviour Agreement
To ensure that all children and parents understand the expectations of the school with regard to behaviour, an “Acceptable Behaviour Agreement” has been drawn up and is included in the school admission pack. We ask that you read through, discuss with your child and sign to support the commitment of working together to achieve our school aims.
Agreement – Positive Behaviour in School
At Broomhill School we aim high for all of our pupils and strive to help them reach their full potential within the domains of academic and personal development. It is the expectation that all members of the school community behave in a way which is safe, respectful and responsible. We work together to uphold the following expectations:
Our Expectations
- Pay attention and work hard
- Listen carefully, be patient
- Always tell the truth
- Be friendly towards each other
- Share with others
- Keep trying
- Be polite
- Always obey instructions promptly
- Take care of school and other people’s property
Managed behaviours
- Lateness
- Being unprepared
- Talking at inappropriate times/with inappropriate volume i.e. calling out
- Refusal to follow adult instructions
- Inappropriate tone/attitude
- Inappropriate comments
- Incomplete school uniform
- Dishonesty
- Aggressive language, swearing or threats towards peers or staff members
- Aggressive behaviour towards peers or staff members (hitting, kicking, throwing items at another person, spitting at another person)
- Leaving the school building or grounds without permission
- Destructive behaviour – damaging the environment or a person’s belongings
Click below for more information;
Anti-Bullying Policy
The school has a responsibility to create a safe, secure and happy environment for all children in our care. Parents should be confident in the knowledge that at Broomhill we will not condone an act of bullying and will be active and vigilant in pursuing the Anti-Bullying policy. Please do not hesitate to contact the Head Teacher should you have any concerns or if your child is clearly unhappy in school.
Click below for more information;
Any vandalism must be reported to the Head Teacher. If their child is found to be in any way responsible, parents will be informed and may be asked to contribute to the cost of the repair.
Expectations – Rights and Responsibilities
It is essential that all pupils understand acceptable standards of behaviour most of which are concerned with their safety and that of others. As a school we emphasise that we all have rights but also responsibilities. Every child has a right to be happy in school – each also has a responsibility to ensure that their behaviour does not impact on the opportunities of others in a negative way. Parents are informed when a pattern of behaviour is causing concern and the child is not responding to counselling.
Additional Information
Where a child is showing a pattern of consistently unacceptable behaviour it will be necessary for the school and the parents to work closely together to help the child. It may be necessary to tackle the problem in stages.
When behaviour becomes a cause for concern in any way, parents of individual pupils will always be informed and the matter discussed with them. In extreme cases Aberdeen City Council Education Department policy allows for the exclusion of pupils.