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Our new Broomhill Buddy, Cody!

Broomhill Buddy!  

We would like to introduce you to our new friend, Cody.  Cody is a Therapet dog and is an incredibly gentle, patient, and very fluffy Alsatian.

The Therapet service provides friendly, sociable dogs and owners to go along to schools and care homes who might appreciate a visitor with a wet nose and a waggy tail!  Before being accepted as a Therapet, all dogs are assessed for suitability.

We have invited Cody and his owner, Ian, along to school for weekly sessions on a Wednesday afternoon in Room 9a with Miss Murray.  Each week 3 class teachers will nominate a reading group to go along and spend some time with Cody as he loves being read to and having hugs.

If your child has an allergy to extremely fluffy Alsatians, please let us know via email at the usual email address.  Cody is one of the friendliest dogs we have ever met, however we are aware that some children can be frightened.  Please let us know if your child is frightened of dogs and we will work with you to ensure that we support your child’s visit with Cody when the time comes.

Thank you

Mrs Reid

Head Teacher

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