
Talking tub time!

This week we have been using a talking tub to discuss some of the children’s interests. The tub contains items and pictures relating to a this. The children have been role playing at shopkeepers recently so we brought in the talking tub to start a group discussion. They had good knowledge on the objects and talked about money, cash registers, receipts and carrier bags. We took from this that they were interested in the process of the shopping experience and talked about building a shop in the house corner. Watch this space!


Thank you for all your kind donations at our Christmas fundraiser. We bought some lovely new natural materials. The children have been really creative with them and have been incorporating them into their loose parts play. We also have a new tee pee with fairy lights in the story corner. This has also been very popular and is a great place for the children to go to have some peace and quiet. We hope you all have a great weekend.  

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