
Talking tub!

Thank you for all your kind donations for our Christmas fundraiser. We have purchased some lovely natural materials and a tepee for the story corner. The children have responded well to this and have been making good use of their new resources.


This week we have been using a talking tub to discuss some of the children’s interests. The tub contains items and pictures relating to the subject. The children have been interested in the planets and stars so we brought in the talking tub to start a group discussion to find out what they know. This stemmed from two of the children bringing in their night lights which projected the planets and stars. This sparked a lot of discussion about different aspects of space. From this we found out some of the things they were keen to find out more about. We had Astronauts, gravity, space shuttles, planets and stars. We were impressed to find out how much they already knew! We hope you all have a great weekend.

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