Primary 5 (Room 16) Newsletter
Welcome Back!
Happy 2018 everybody and welcome back to Broomhill Primary for another busy term. This term we will be focusing on Mary Queen of Scots as part of our wider school context on Scotland. We will be developing our historical enquiry skills this session as we investigate the life of this famous Scottish Queen. We will start our topic by exploring life in Aberdeen and the rest of Scotland during the medieval period. Next week we will be heading out of school to work with the Urban Studies Trust as we explore the historical buildings in Aberdeen and later in the term we will visit Blairs Museum in Aberdeenshire for a Mary Queen of Scots workshop.
We will also have special visitors from Rwanda this term who will be sharing their experiences with us as part of our global learning.
We will continue with maths setting this term, after a successful pilot before Christmas with Room 15. We will apply our knowledge of multiplication to solve division problems. The outer areas of maths, including time and measure, will continue to be explored in our usual class context.
Initially we will explore poetry as part of our Robert Burns study. We will also explore diary entries and persuasive writing as part of our class topic. Reading will continue to take place on a Monday and Thursday. Please make sure you have your reading book and reading record. Library will continue to be on a Friday afternoon.
Homework will continue to go home (from next week) on a Monday and will be due for return on a Friday. This session I will try to use Google Classroom more and will try to set tasks online as much as we can to reduce the amount of paper being used in class.
Please make sure that you have all the equipment you need for school including pencils and erasers as we have limited supplies in school.
I look forward to a busy term!
All the best,
Mr B. Donaldson