
Welcome to Term 4!

Hello and welcome to the final term!

Just a few things to keep you informed;

PE – Tuesday with Mrs Begg, Friday with myself. Joggers and jumpers are ideal as we will be outside as much as possible and in the run up to sports day. Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Woodies – Thursdays as long as the Woodies isn’t too muddy. We will be going week about with Room 9 and Room 12 as part of transition activities.

Maths – this term we will be covering fractions, money and measurement. As well as continuing with the Learn Its and number skills. The class have done a great job with their Learn Its so far this year.

Literacy – in writing we will be covering fairy tales, instructions and poetry. Each week there will be a new phonic sound with revision weeks to help consolidate learning.

Homework – will continue to go out a Wednesday, to be returned on a Monday. Please continue to access Oxford Owls user name – class owls password – School

Any questions please feel free to use your child’s reading record or catch me in the playground after school.

Source: P2/3 Room 11

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