In Broomhill School we endorse the Local Authority Educational Aims and embrace the aims of the Curriculum for Excellence to:
- focus classroom practice upon the child and around the four capacities of education:
– successful learners
– confident individuals
– responsible citizens
– effective contributors - encourage learning through experiences
As a school we strive to:
promote a community feeling in school where all pupils, staff, parents, carers and visitors feel welcomed and valued.
encourage the development of happy and healthy children who are confident, responsible and caring towards each other and the environment.
ensure high quality teaching and learning experiences to engender literate and numerate children with lively enquiring minds with the ability to question and argue rationally.
foster an ethos of achievement in a safe, stimulating and interesting environment;
encourage self respect, self discipline, perseverance and independence through a broad and balanced curriculum
establish sound working relationships with all stakeholders including children, parents, staff and outside agencies.
improve the work of the school through commitment to professional development and ongoing self evaluation by parents, pupils and staff.