Attendance, Appointments and Absence

It is a statutory requirement to record the attendance rates and rates of authorised and unauthorised absence of pupils.  Parents are asked to provide a short explanation for the child’s absence to ensure that any time off is recorded appropriately.

If your child is absent please contact the school office no later than 9.15am to prevent a Groupcall alert being sent to your mobile phone. Absences should be reported by the Xpression app where possible or alternatively via telephone, voicemail or email.

If your child is absent unexpectedly after lunch please contact the school office so we know the child is safe and in your care.

Latecomers must report to the school office for registration and to cancel any Groupcall alert notified by the class teacher assuming absence. Please note that the only access into the school building after 9.00am is through the Gray Street entrance.

Frequent or unexplained absences or persistent lateness will be reported to the Head Teacher and Home School Liaison Officer whereby a letter will be sent home to communicate attendance records. A Home School Liaison Officer may also attend the home address in the case of unexplained absences.

A request should be submitted to the Head Teacher if a need arises to withdraw a child during term time.

If a child is required to attend an appointment/extra-curricular event during normal school hours we ask that this is communicated the day prior (where possible) to ensure your child is ready to collect from the school office at the required time. A daily bulletin is sent to class teachers to confirm appointment times. In the case of an emergency we advise you contact the school office by telephone to ensure arrangements are made in a timely matter.

In no circumstances will a pupil be allowed to leave the school for an appointment or any other reason unless they are collected from the office by a parent or a parent’s representative.


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